Tips for choosing your relaxing ringtone

  • Relaxing ringtones should not be too long. A 15 to 30 second excerpt is ideal for capturing your attention without disturbing your calm atmosphere.

    Tip: Choose a sound excerpt that starts immediately on a soothing note, such as the beginning of a soft melody or birdsong.
    Adjust the ringtone volume
    Relaxing ringtones should be audible enough without being intrusive. Adjust the volume of your ringtone so that it is clear in quiet environments, but not too loud.

    Tip: Test the ringtone at different times of the day to make sure it is appropriate for all situations.
    Adapt the ringtone to your environment
    If you are often in quiet environments, a relaxing ringtone will be ideal. However, in noisy places, it may be necessary to opt for a slightly louder sound so as not to miss your calls.

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